Unforseen Side Effects of an Expensive Education

Once upon a time, not so very long ago, I had the opportunity to spend 6 years of my life pursuing advanced degrees in English. This is an opportunity for which I am grateful--and for which I am still making monthly payments. Upon the completion of said degrees, I chose to make a career shift. Now I stay home with my children. Despite the inherent challenges, I love it. However, early on I encountered an unexpected problem: while reading books to my young daughter I had to repeatedly suppress the urge to make edits to the texts with a Sharpie. I am grateful for my daughter's love of books, but after being nearly driven to distraction several times by the repeated reading of books I couldn't stand, I started making lists. I noted various authors and titles that I could read over and over without being overcome with the urge to poke out my eyes. Now, with this blog, I endeavor to share these eye-poke-less (in my opinion) books with my other Mom and Dad friends. Hopefully this will help to make story time more enjoyable for everyone. Perhaps it will even save you from finding yourself spinning a web of white lies in order to cover up the fact that you hid that one book you couldn't stand to read even one more time under the couch...

Friday, February 25, 2011

It's Snowing!

By Olivier Dunrea

This is another story to celebrate snow. It's text is shorter and simpler than some, making it perfect for younger children. The illustrations are lovely, providing plenty to amuse older children and adults!
A mom rocks her baby by the fire on a cold night. When she notices it is snowing, she seizes the moment and brings baby outside for some adventure. The story ends with them by the fire again--warm and toasty--but mom has more of a smile than she did in the opening illustration.
Simple. Charming. Worth reading.

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